
my soul, where beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder

Save me please

Sometimes I feel so sad until I wanna cry my heart out.


If only beneath those smiles, there are rainbows.

Photo on 2013-03-06 at 16.28 #3Photo on 2013-03-06 at 16.29 #6Photo on 2013-03-06 at 16.30 #2Photo on 2013-03-06 at 16.28 #2

It’s sad to see your love for me has changed and that you’d given up on me. I understand. Sometimes when certain things are lost, it’ll never be the same again. Feelings fade. People change. Life moves on. 

That moment when you’re falling apart and nobody notices

A Heart-Breaking X’mas

Photo on 2012-12-05 at 15.15Photo on 2012-12-05 at 15.16 #6Photo on 2012-12-05 at 15.16

Sometimes, I really have no idea what’s on adults’minds. It’s heart-wrenching to see them behaving immaturely. And I’m not doing well either. Totally feel like giving up everything, and leave. Sometimes, I asked myself “what’s the ideal husband I hope for in the future?” And then when I look at you, I’m cynical at my choice. I thought we could face it all together, but I don’t understand why we’re evcn struggling to hang on before the battle starts. I’m not myself anymore. Every single time we argue, I feel like, I’m so done with everything. It gotta’ stop. I reckon neither of us has the courage to take the first step and the problem will always be lingering around.

-It’d been a MARVELOUS day! (though it started off really bad)-

Seb was really nice to travel all the way to Tampines to collect the Cake-in-the Jar which I’d ordered 2 days ago and delivered them personally to me! For that, he deserved a “hug”.

Then we headed over to Bugis+ to catch Breaking Dawn (Part 2). IKR, it didn’t turn out nice at all BUT I STILL ENJOYED IT! Hahahahaha. Dined @ HOODS Cafe/Bar, and the food was not bad. WE WENT OVER TO PLAY @ the Arcade and it was SO FUN! Felt like I’d worked all my muscles. I’D GOT A PAIR OF PUMPS & SHADES! NICEEEEE! He bought them for me. Pre-X’mas presents. Alright, there’s gonna be upcoming X’mas presents, Post-X’mas presents, Pre-New Year Presents and never-ending. They’re just occasions I’d cooked up to coax him to pay. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

KBOX with Selina






Boing Boing on Sis’s messy table
